Camp 2023

Hello, and welcome to my blog.

Today I am going to talk about camping. The place I went to was Christian Youth Camp. So on my first day they told us to have a snack first and they told us what activities and told us what group we were in. So we went into our group And I was in group 9 and I was the team leader. Our group was a small group. The first activity we did was target shooting the instructor told us his name and what we had to do. It was only four people only we shot so many targets the highest was 6 or 8 . On our second day, in the morning we had to brush our teeth and eat breakfast, after breakfast we had more activities to do but they were all wet. So our first activity was the hydro slide. We had to do 1 at a time and then after that we could do 2 people on one mat. After all our activities we went for an afternoon swim and we had so much fun. On our last day we woke up and they told us we are going back to school. We had a great time at Christian Youth Camp.

Bye, for now. 🙂

Vector Wero Whitewater Park

Bula and welcome to my blog.

Today I am going to talk about our trip to Vector Wero Whitewater Park. The trip was so fantastic. First they introduced themselves and told us what to do when you are stuck in the water. They split us into 2 groups the first group was with a different staff they were learning about what to do when you are in a rip current. 1 thing to do when you’re stuck in a rip current you have to have a buddy beside and walk through the rip current. Once we made it we swapped sessions and we followed a staff member. They told us that we had to buddy up and 1 of the buddies had to go in the water. so my buddy Christino she went into the water and I had to grab a rope and throw it to her. She grabbed the rope and I pulled the rope she got back up and it was my turn to go into the water but this time I had to hold on to a rope. After that we all went into a boat and went with a paddle and paddled all the way to the ramp and we went down and we all screamed and it was so fantastic.

That’s all for today.




Welcome to my blog I am going to tell you about Minecraft. It’s kinda like flappy bird but it’s different. It was really cool playing it. Here you have to do what it tells you. It’s difficult when you finish 1 level to another.  As you can see I’m on level 7 it was hard! I will update you when I make it further!! Bye for now…



Welcome to my blog today I am going to talk about Microbit. Microbit is this thing where you go to If you can see that little square thing it’s called  BBC Microbit and it also comes with a USB cord so you can plug it on your laptop or your ipad It’s really cool. First you have to write your name down and you will see on your BBC Microbit   it will say your name on. If you see in the picture i was making a melody on my own. It was really cool to make cause you can make your own Tone or your own Music . Thats all for today.

Bye for now

Homai’s Got Talent

Malo ‘ e lei lei and welcome to my blog about our Got Talent.

During  Got Talent I felt scared and happy. I felt scared because I thought that other people would make fun of me because I was wearing a dinosaur costume. But I also felt happy because It was going to be fun and we will all get candy after the Got Talent and we could buy candy that were outside. W e performed our Item and everyone else performed their item and loved it. They showed the results and we came in second. But we were all happy that we came second cause it was better than nothing.

Bye for now.


Matariki Art

Kia Ora

Today I’m going to share with you what I have been learning about. I have been learning about Matariki it is about gathering with family and friends to celebrate the Maori new Year and this picture was a bit difficult to draw cause you could only use poly lines. But the hardest part was drawing the stars because I don’t know how to draw stars. I had to retry a lot of times. I really enjoyed drawing it and it was fun. The thing that I like about Matariki is that you get to spend time with your family and friends .

Bye for now

Flappy Bird



Thank you flappy bird for sending us the game it was so fun to play

and a little hard for me but i really liked the game.I really want to know

what my game is going to be like it was so hard but i bet the hard’est one is

10 and right now i’m now on 8 and it is so hard and i think the boys in my class

are on 10 and right now i can hear them spaming there laptop.

that’s it for today guys bye.


HI guys this is what i wanted to say about EPIC.

My favourite thing about EPIC is that it has a lot of books to read and lots

of big words to say and a lot of cool books.

NOW ill like to say that EPIC is so cool that you can read different books and a lot of nice things on the books.


okay bye i will talk to you later.


All About Me

Kia Ora

One thing about me is that i like to walk everyday.

Welcome to my blog it is great to have you here.

This week we have been learning how to create a poster.

I am sharing with you about my poster and its All About Me and it says

what i like to eat after dinner and what my favourite movie is.

Bye for now.

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